If manufacturing is your thing, you’re probably very aware of the messy reality that QuickBooks isn’t super great at helping you manage work orders, bills of materials, and other administrative manufacturing ins-and-outs. All are critical to the health of your business.

Fortunately for you, QuickBooks isn’t your only option.

Fishbowl is a superstar in the manufacturing space, with nine game-changing features that will help your business run smoother and easier. So, without further ado, let’s take a look at what Fishbowl can do for you.

Advanced Work Orders

Ever in need of work orders for assembly, disassembly, service, reverse, or repairs? Fishbowl Manufacturing provides easy templates for all of these.

Work Order Assignments

Fishbowl admins who you’ve deemed worthy enough to actually use Fishbowl and assigns specific work orders to specific users. That user can then claim responsibility for the work. Accountability at its finest.

Custom Work Orders

With Fishbowl, customization is king. Need a custom work order? No problem. Easily create the work order you need in the sales order module and start quickly generating sales quotes and orders.

Lot Number Tracking – Production Stages

Quickly track lot numbers and dive deep into subassemblies and production stages to get great, helpful detail.

Manufacture Order Module

Forget having to create multiple assembly jobs in a bill of materials (BOM). In Fishbowl you’re able to streamline the entire process by setting up subassemblies and production stages and link them all together.

Automated Manufacture Orders (2)

You know how we said customization is king? That’s true, but really automation is The King. Fishbowl can automatically generate new manufacture orders for any new items in a BOM.

What else? Low inventory can also automatically trigger a new manufacture order to increase inventory. Boom.

Custom Bill of Materials

Here we go with that custom thing again. But, really, it’s important to get exactly what you need. Customize your bill of materials with option groups and variable quantities for tremendous time savings and price adjustments.


We can’t figure out why this is impossible for QuickBooks, but in Fishbowl it’s simple to add one-time-use items such as tooling and cleaning. Get with it, QuickBooks.

With all of the customization and automation available in Fishbowl, you’re going to need experts to walk you through it all. At Brandow Consulting, we’ve helped hundreds of companies just like yours implement and realize the true inventory and manufacturing power of Fishbowl.

Reserve your time with a Fishbowl implementation and automation expert today.